Linda Dobson-Hacker, Intuitive Mediumship
Mediumship and Intuitive Life Sessions
Mediumship and Intuitive Life Sessions
Here you will find a safe space to communicate with family, friends and your beloved pets who have crossed over. What you will find is the Other Side is actually right here…and always has been. Society and religions have led us to believe it is a far away, untouchable place. Nothing can be further from the truth.
Please feel free to explore this safe space to possibly broaden your concepts and beliefs of passing from this world to the next. Your family, friends and pets are still with you and anxiously wanting you to know how they are and what they have been doing!
I have been a practicing Intuitive Medium since 2004. I would love to tell you I had a mystical, enlightening experience as a child that totally awakened me to my abilities…..but that didn’t happen. In 1991, I discovered through meditation my ability to converse with those who have passed on. Since then, my abilities have expanded to include pet communication, with a specialty in connecting ill and aging pets who are about to transition with a loved one or friend who will commit to caretaking your companion on the Other Side. Nothing can lessen the pain of losing a pet, but there is great comfort in knowing they have someone awaiting them when they transition.
In addition, the same comfort can be there for transitioning family and friends. Think of the peace of mind for a transitioning loved one knowing just who is awaiting them on the Other Side at the time of their passing. The loved ones left behind will also have comfort in knowing someone will be there to greet the one crossing over.
After transitioning, communication can continue with loved ones and pets. During a session, I will convey messages from the multitude of friends, family and pets who are eagerly wanting to connect. There can be much laughter and surprises during a session, as well as some tears, and many unanswered questions can be brought to clarity and healing can take place on both sides of the veil.
If you have “life” questions, I will tune into your energy, your situation and those around you to help you gain clarity and find your own answers in life. I call these Life Sessions. I will NOT give you answers, but empower you with information that may enable you to make your own decisions and changes in your life.
At the end of a session, my clients frequently comment they feel lighter knowing they have connected with loved ones or gained clarity in their lives.
DISCLAIMER: The sessions I provide are for guidance and entertainment purposes. What you decide to do, including any actions you take with the information provided in a session is based on your own personal responsibility and choice. All sessions and questions answered should at no time be regarded as legal, medical, financial, psychological, or business fact and are subject to your own interpretation and judgement. For legal reasons, I must advise you the sessions are for entertainment purposes, ONLY. My services are not a substitute for professional services and it is advised you should seek advice from the relevant, qualified experts.